Palmer Industries Inc. Outdoor Mobility since 1973

800 847 1304 PO Box 5707 Endicott NY 13763

Customer Images

Our customers love their scooters. These are pictures sent in by them.

These customers used their scooter to visit a petting zoo.

Use on the beach to play some Bocci Ball

Aound the farm

Let's go fishing

This customer uses his Palmer Plus model to haul wood

This customer goes around collecting cans with his

He visits his fruit trees

Getting out to enjoy the day

This customer uses his scooter to participate in parades

They love Grandpa's scooter

Grand Canyon

1989 Palmer

Even dogs like our scooters

As you can see our customers use their scooters for many different things. Some go all out to decorate and make the scooter their own!